Grand opening

Grand opening

Last night NUKIGA had a grand opening of the art exhibition The ocean/Havet/Imaq in Spinderihallerne in Vejle, Denmark where it will remain until 10 July.

The exhibition will travel around Denmark, Greenland, and Iceland in the coming months.

Take a look at some photos from the event here.

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Læs om kunstnerne

Læs om kunstnerne

Til Kunstudstillingen Havet/Imaq har vi bedt en lang række af de dygtigste grønlandske kunstnere om at fortolke temaet ‘havet’. Klik her for at finde en præsentation af alle kunstnerne, der har bidraget!

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Invitation til Fernisering

Invitation til Fernisering

Kom til et brag af en fernisering på den unikke kunstudstilling Havet/Imaq! Der vil være bobler, taler, grønlandsk musik og grønlandsk mad – og ikke mindst fantastisk kunst fra nulevende grønlandske kunstnere

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Tanbreez is a producer of rare earth elements with minimal waste and carbon emissions. The company states that it can use up to 97% of its mine waste, thereby reducing its CO2 emission substantially.

Spotted by Nauja Lynge

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Political architecture – what is that?
Imagine architecture that turns urgent matters like sustainability, climate change, minorities, equality, and suppression into architecture. STUDIO FORMATION does exactly that.

Spotted by Nauja Lynge

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An innovative digital tool for schools and youth educational institutions that by logging students’ personal and social development provide students, teachers, and parents with a much-needed overview.

Spotted by Nauja Lynge

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