Circular acceleration in Iceland

Circular acceleration in Iceland

7 Icelandic companies were selected for the Icelandic business accelerator, Hringiða. With this, Icelandic startup ecosystem supporter KLAK sets the ambition for circular economy and the green transition.

Spotted by Signe Lyngholm Lindbjerg

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Studio visit: Maya Sialuk Jacobsen

Studio visit: Maya Sialuk Jacobsen

Maya Sialuk Jacobsen (b. 1969) is an Inuit tattooist, artist, and self-taught researcher. Maya Sialuk uses art as an outlet for her own thoughts and experiences – issues that occupy her, but that there are no room for in her practice as a tattoo artist and as a communicator of intangible cultural heritage.

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Kuannnersuit; Kvanefjeld

Kuannnersuit; Kvanefjeld

Kuannnersuit; Kvanefjeld is a must-watch 30 minutes film about a stalemate regarding mining in Greenland. The short piece exposes the pros and cons of mining and how locals in a village in Greenland debate such a universal matter in our said-to-be modern global village.

Spotted by: Felippe Constancio

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Free magazine

Free magazine

In the spring of 2022, Nukiga’s Malu Rosing travelled to the most northern part of Greenland to meet and talk to the people who live there to hear about their daily lives north of the Arctic Circle.

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ICE Innovation Festival

ICE Innovation Festival

The latest edition of the innovation hub ICE Innovation Festival held in Norway, in November, focused on specific actions to intensify cooperation between Arctic actors and universalise solutions beyond the region.

Spotted by: Felippe Constancio

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Glædelig jul

Glædelig jul

Så er det endelig blevet jul igen og Julemandens postkasse i Uummannaq er endnu engang blevet tømt for breve fra nær og fjern – Fra NUKIGA ønsker vi alle en rigtig glædelig jul og godt nytår!

Vi glæder os til at dele det nye år med jer alle! Juullimi pilluaritsi!

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Travl jul hos Air Greenland

Travl jul hos Air Greenland

Juletiden er en særlig travl tid for Air Greenland med de ekstra mange passagerer, der skal fejre jul i Grønland. Benjamin Krarup Hammeken er pilot på dash 8 flyene, der flyver passagerne mellem byerne. Han fortæller…

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Fangsthytterne i Nordøstgrønland

Fangsthytterne i Nordøstgrønland

Fangsthytterne i Nordøstgrønland Det der har efterladt sig flest synlige spor i dag i Nordøstgrønland udover inuits boligtomter, er den danske og norske fangstvirksomhed. I Nordøstgrønland fra Scoresbysund til Dove Bugt drev danske og norske fangstkompagnier fangst af især ræve og isbjørne. Der blev bygget mange fangsthytter og fangstationer op langs hele den Nordøstgrønlandske kyst mellem 1908-1960.

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Team 13: Power-to-X
Transforming energy surplus into societal needs of remote communities. Arctic communities raise awareness of Power to X opportunities in their journey to self-sufficiency. Undoubtedly, Power to X has great potential to transform remote Arctic communities with access to surplus clean energy.

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Sermilik adventures: det perfekte hold

Sermilik adventures: det perfekte hold

Danske Line Kristiansen og Tobias Ignatiussen fra Østgrønland har fundet hinanden, og sammen udgør de det perfekte hold. Med deres særskilte kompetencer sørger de for, at turister og besøgende i Østgrønland får de bedste oplevelser. Og de viser én gang for alle, at i selv nogle af de mest fjerntliggende steder er der mulighed for innovation og iværksætteri!

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