Sara Lennert Jensen
Sara is 24 years old and from Sisimiut, but she is currently living in Aarhus to study psychology where she just finished her bachelor’s degree. Her interest in psychology started back when she was around 12-13 years old where she made a school project about mental...
Sika Wilhjelm Filemonsen
Sika is 22 years old and from Nuuk. She just finished her bachelor’s degree at Aarhus School of Architecture, which she thought was three incredible years. Sika decided to study Architecture because she has always loved being creative, and she wanted to evolve my...
Ivik Paulsen
Ivik Paulsen is 28 years old and from Nuuk, Greenland. He is studying a master’s degree in law at SDU. Ivik chose law, because it provides him with a lot of opportunities when he’s done studying. Almost every sector in public administration and private businesses...