Grønlands Julemærke

Grønlands Julemærke

Låge 1: Dagens låge er taget over af Grønlands Julemærke @groenlands_julemaerke  I dette opslag kan du lære om fondens første julemærke og dets kunstner fra 1974 + læse om fondens arbejde  Vores første julemærke er tegnet af kunstneren Jens Rosing. Jens Rosing var...
Arctic Unmanned

Arctic Unmanned

Arctic Unmanned is the sole Greenland-based drone service provider with experience to fly drones in Greenland. 2 out of 3 members of the team are native Greenlanders with broad experience in technology innovation and operation. NUKIGA talked to Mads Petersen from...
Mimi Josefsen: Who am I?

Mimi Josefsen: Who am I?

All her life Mimi Josefsen has been searching for herself. “Who am I?” is a fundamental question most of us try to answer throughout our lives but for Mimi Josefsen this question has another depth. For many years she felt that something was not quite right with her....
Polar Night Energy

Polar Night Energy

Finnish sand-based heat storage to help run against the world’s sandglass. Polar Night Energy converts electricity to heat and stores it for later by using sand as the storage medium. According to Mission Innovation’s report, the sand-based seasonal heat...
A Northern Life

A Northern Life

Portraits from North Greenland In the spring of 2022, NUKIGA took a trip around North Greenland to visit the towns and settlements, the people, and to listen to their stories, which has now become the portrait series “A Northern Life – Portraits from Greenland”. The...