Grand opening

Grand opening

Our grand opening of the art exhibition was a great succes! Very well attended and so many happy and art-interested people gathered at one place! Have a look at some of the photos from the event here – and visit out calendar for more date and towns, to make sure...
Læs om kunstnerne

Læs om kunstnerne

Til Kunstudstillingen Havet/Imaq har vi bedt en lang række af de dygtigste grønlandske kunstnere om at fortolke temaet ‘havet’. Kunstnerne arbejder i så forskellige medier som maleri, grafik, skulptur, foto og installationskunst. Nogle forholder sig til...
Invitation til Fernisering

Invitation til Fernisering

Kom til et brag af en fernisering på den unikke kunstudstilling Havet/Imaq! Der vil være bobler, taler, grønlandsk musik og grønlandsk mad – og ikke mindst fantastisk kunst fra nulevende grønlandske kunstnere. Det hele foregår på Grønlands Nationaldag onsdag d....


Tanbreez is a producer of rare earth elements with minimal waste and carbon emissions. The company states that it can use up to 97% of its mine waste, thereby reducing its CO2 emission substantially. It is proposing to start a mining project in Greenland. By producing...
New Creative Director

New Creative Director

Josepha Lauth Thomsen is NUKIGA’s new Creative Director! She has her first day 1 June 2023. Josepha says: “I am beyond honored that I am able to work for Nukiga, which is an independent NGO that works to strengthen, develop, and promote cultural life and the...
Blue Faroe Islands

Blue Faroe Islands

Blue Faroe Islands promotes the maritime industry in the Faroe Islands through media outlets and events on the Faroese Maritime Service Centre database. Spotted by Nauja Lynge Promoting the maritime industry in The Faroe Islands The Faroe Islands are 100% reliable on...