To ensure sustainable development in the Arctic regions, innovation plays a crucial part. At UNLEASH Regional Innovation Lab Greenland 2022, 200 young people from Arctic and Nordic countries met to develop innovative solutions to help with the UN Sustainable...
Introducing NUKIGA Talks
In our effort to create a strong and relevant network across the Arctic region, we now proudly present NUKIGA Talks! You’ll be able to join NUKIGA Talks from our community group where Faroese entrepreneur Tórður Ravnsfjall will host regular online sessions with an...
In Danish (job vacancy: student worker): NUKIGA Community søger studentermedarbejder NUKIGA Community arbejder for at fremme innovation og entreprenørskab og vigtigst af alt at skabe et solidt og bredt netværk på tværs af den arktiske region. Derudover er en af vores...
Cooperation across the Arctic
Cooperation across the Arctic NUKIGA Community is very proud to present our new partnership with the Icelandic Arctic Cooperation Network (IACN). We see this partnership as a great way to expand our own network as well as a way to further strengthen the business and...