Political architecture – what is that? Imagine architecture that turns urgent matters like sustainability, climate change, minorities, equality, and suppression into architecture. STUDIO FORMATION does exactly that. Spotted by Nauja Lynge Martine Lynge Lyngesen is a...


Taksinto is an innovative digital tool for schools and youth educational institutions that by logging students’ personal and social development provide students, teachers, and parents with a much-needed overview. Spotted by Nauja Lynge Taksinto is an innovative...
Pressemeddelelse: Kunstudstillingen Havet / Imaq

Pressemeddelelse: Kunstudstillingen Havet / Imaq

I 2023 vil det blive muligt at opleve et udsnit af den grønlandske kunstscene lige nu, når kunstudstillingen ”Havet/Imaq” kommer til en række danske byer samt Nuuk og Reykjavik. Foreningen NUKIGA har inviteret 20 nulevende grønlandske kunstnere til at skabe...
Podcast for Inuit students

Podcast for Inuit students

The Greenlandic student association in Denmark, Avalak Copenhagen, is launching a podcast to help and inspire Inuit students in Denmark and Greenland. NUKIGA has helped the project with a donation that has paid for the recording equipment. NUKIGA met up with members...
Circular acceleration in Iceland

Circular acceleration in Iceland

7 Icelandic companies were selected for the Icelandic business accelerator, Hringiða. With this, Icelandic startup ecosystem supporter KLAK sets the ambition for circular economy and the green transition. Spotted by: Signe Lyngholm Lindbjerg On 14 March 2023, Hringiða...
Studio visit: Maya Sialuk Jacobsen

Studio visit: Maya Sialuk Jacobsen

Maya Sialuk Jacobsen (b. 1969) is an Inuit tattooist, artist, and self-taught researcher. NUKIGA’s Laila Lund Altinbas visited Maya in her studio. Watch 6 interviews (in Danish) with Maya below. 1: HVAD EN LILLE PERLEKRAVE KAN LÆRE OS OM ARVEMASSE OG...