Tak til alle deltagerne til Den Grønlandske Erhvervsmesse d.6.-7.september
Det var to gode dage med netværk, viden og nye samarbejder mellem Grønlandske iværksætter virksomheder og danske og islandske firmaer. Vi er stolte af de positive tilmeldinger vi har fået efter messen, for et første arrangement er det jo godt begyndt. Vi tror på at et forum hvor iværksættere og etablerede virksomheder samles igen og igen, kan noget sammen, som kan føre til vækst. Og Corporate Entrepreneurship er jo en af broerne mellem de ny og etableret, som det også blev præsenteret i en af workshopsne.

Tak til Jacob Bundsgaard
Aarhus’ borgmester åbnede messen

Hotel Narsaq – ølbryggeri |
Øl produktion – Narsaq, Grønland |
Farm Holiday |
Turisme – Kujelleq, Grønland) |
Asasara |
Cargobikes, designed in Greenland |
Greenlandic flowers (te) |
Te og bær – Narsaq, Grønland |
InuaCare |
Hudpleje – Qaqortoq, Grønland |
Departementet for Erhverv, Handel, Arbejdsmarked og Energi |
Grønlands selvstyre |
TVG Zimsen |
Shipping |
Maki Seaweed |
Tang (Sisimiut, Grønland) |
Blue Water Shipping |
Shipping |
Naasaq Design APS |
Brugskunst |
VR travel |
Rejser i Grønland |
Inuit Recruitment |
Rekruttering i Grønland |
Jesper Overgård Lehmann |
Inst. for Agroøkologi, Aarhus Universitet |
Intranote A/S |
IT |
APM terminals |
Havnedrift |
Aarhus Havn |
Havn |
Sermitsiaq AG, Grønlandsk medie |
Annonceafdelingen |
Arctic Technology Centre – Section of Arctic Technology and Sustainable Solutions |
Aarhus Universitet |
Arktisk forskningscenter |
Messens målgrupper

Tak til udstillerne på messen
Gæstekort – ikke længere brugbart

Messen finder sted i Centralværkstedet midt i Aarhus med perfekte parkeringsmuligheder
Vi henviser til parkeringen:
Værkmestergade 7-9, 8000 Aarhus C
Lige ved siden af Aarhus Hovedbanegård, parkeringshuset i både Bruuns galleri og Parkeringshuset i Comwell hotel
Messen arrangeres af

Does Greenland comply with UN Article?
This bachelor’s thesis is a study of Greenland complies with the articles of the UNConvention on the Rights of the Child, regarding article 3 and 19. I will analyze article 3 and 19 and analyze the Greenlandic Criminal Code’s laws andforms of punishment regarding...

7 Seas Adventures
7 Seas Adventures is a travel agency based in The Faroe Islands. The company offers authentic quality experiences, focused on remote areas in the North Atlantic, Iceland, Greenland, Faroe Islands, and Norway. These are authentic bespoke travel tours in the North...

NUKIGA appoints Steffen Damborg as new Member of the Board and CEO Press release: Aarhus, 2 March 2022. NUKIGA announced today that Steffen Damborg has been appointed new Member of the Board and CEO of NUKIGA. For over 20 years, Steffen has worked as a C-level...

A walk in history
Imagine walking through a city and little by little finding out more about the stories hidden just below the surface of everyday life - or maybe even understanding better what's right in front of you. This is what you get if you listen to the audiowalk Spor af...

The future for fish food
Fish leave a much smaller carbon footprint than meat from cows, pigs or even chicken and should be regarded as a real alternative to traditional meat products.
Spotted by: Britt Vernegren-kærn

Connecting without connection
Attavik is an app that makes it possible for people to communicate even in very remote areas without telecommunications infrastructure. In this Q&A Jeanne Naja Holm from Attavik explains the thoughts behind the app. Why did you make this app, and who is it for?...

Students for projects, internships or jobs

Projects & cases
Students and business collaboration

Artic start-ups
An overview of exciting Arctic start-ups

A debate on language and identity
Language is something we all learn. It helps to create our identity and gives us a sense of belonging. But language is also something that can bring minds to a boil and give rise to emotionally charged debates - especially in Greenland. But why is that? What does...