Tak til alle deltagerne til Den Grønlandske Erhvervsmesse d.6.-7.september
Det var to gode dage med netværk, viden og nye samarbejder mellem Grønlandske iværksætter virksomheder og danske og islandske firmaer. Vi er stolte af de positive tilmeldinger vi har fået efter messen, for et første arrangement er det jo godt begyndt. Vi tror på at et forum hvor iværksættere og etablerede virksomheder samles igen og igen, kan noget sammen, som kan føre til vækst. Og Corporate Entrepreneurship er jo en af broerne mellem de ny og etableret, som det også blev præsenteret i en af workshopsne.

Tak til Jacob Bundsgaard
Aarhus’ borgmester åbnede messen

Hotel Narsaq – ølbryggeri |
Øl produktion – Narsaq, Grønland |
Farm Holiday |
Turisme – Kujelleq, Grønland) |
Asasara |
Cargobikes, designed in Greenland |
Greenlandic flowers (te) |
Te og bær – Narsaq, Grønland |
InuaCare |
Hudpleje – Qaqortoq, Grønland |
Departementet for Erhverv, Handel, Arbejdsmarked og Energi |
Grønlands selvstyre |
TVG Zimsen |
Shipping |
Maki Seaweed |
Tang (Sisimiut, Grønland) |
Blue Water Shipping |
Shipping |
Naasaq Design APS |
Brugskunst |
VR travel |
Rejser i Grønland |
Inuit Recruitment |
Rekruttering i Grønland |
Jesper Overgård Lehmann |
Inst. for Agroøkologi, Aarhus Universitet |
Intranote A/S |
IT |
APM terminals |
Havnedrift |
Aarhus Havn |
Havn |
Sermitsiaq AG, Grønlandsk medie |
Annonceafdelingen |
Arctic Technology Centre – Section of Arctic Technology and Sustainable Solutions |
Aarhus Universitet |
Arktisk forskningscenter |
Messens målgrupper

Tak til udstillerne på messen
Gæstekort – ikke længere brugbart

Messen finder sted i Centralværkstedet midt i Aarhus med perfekte parkeringsmuligheder
Vi henviser til parkeringen:
Værkmestergade 7-9, 8000 Aarhus C
Lige ved siden af Aarhus Hovedbanegård, parkeringshuset i både Bruuns galleri og Parkeringshuset i Comwell hotel
Messen arrangeres af

Visiting SIIKU
SIIKU is an organic, collaborative art project on a mission to create solidarity in a world dominated by climate crisis and growing inequality. Watch below and join us as we visit SIIKU. "Solidarity, climate crisis, empowerment, and inequality - these are important...

Proud to be ‘Made in Greenland’
Louise Lynge has dreamt of becoming a designer since the age of 11 where she designed her first outfit as a birthday present for a girlfriend. She has since experienced great success with her brand Nuuk Couture and her new accessory brand, simply called Louise Lynge,...

A world of glass
Greenlandic artist, Buuti Pedersen, talks about glass art and her fascination with nature. About life, art, and nature "You think to yourself - does it look like that? But to me it looks like this! ” The artist Buuti Pedersen (b. 1955 in Qaqortoq) has been a great...

Sassuma Sea Salt
Sassuma Sea Salt produces local sustainable sea salt from seawater sourced in the Nuuk fjord. Sassuma Sea Salt was founded in 2017 when founder Napaartoq saw a need for locally produced sea salt. He had seen a video on YouTube where a guy made his own salt and started...

Case: Digitalisation/It Company: Ilisimatusarfik, https://www.uni.gl/ Department: IT and management When: Now or in the spring What: We need help developing an IT strategy for online courses in the future. The IT strategy will be developed in collaboration with the...

Malu Rosing
Malu Rosing is 23 years old (2021). She finished her bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Cultural Studies at Roskilde University in the summer of 2021. “I chose my education because I have always been fascinated with interactions between people and between different...

Miranda lives in Copenhagen, where she studies Political Science, and in the autumn of 2021 she will begin her Master’s Degree at the University of Copenhagen. “I study political science because I think politics is very exciting, and because I am passionate about...

Iluuna is very interested in the forms of power that are in play when making decisions, both at an organizational and societal level. She hopes to gain an analytical perspective on the logics that are in play when making decisions and how to identify complex...

Christian is currently an intern at DR P3 as a journalist. He is studying journalism because he thinks it is an incredibly interesting subject with many different facets. For example, if you are interested in news, that’s a possibility, if you are interested in...

Siri Paulsen owns Sialuk Productions. She turned in her Master Thesis in Theatre & Performance Studies at the end of September 2021. She is driven by creating products that talk about Greenland from different points of view than the average stereotyping,...