Tak til alle deltagerne til Den Grønlandske Erhvervsmesse d.6.-7.september
Det var to gode dage med netværk, viden og nye samarbejder mellem Grønlandske iværksætter virksomheder og danske og islandske firmaer. Vi er stolte af de positive tilmeldinger vi har fået efter messen, for et første arrangement er det jo godt begyndt. Vi tror på at et forum hvor iværksættere og etablerede virksomheder samles igen og igen, kan noget sammen, som kan føre til vækst. Og Corporate Entrepreneurship er jo en af broerne mellem de ny og etableret, som det også blev præsenteret i en af workshopsne.

Tak til Jacob Bundsgaard
Aarhus’ borgmester åbnede messen

Hotel Narsaq – ølbryggeri |
Øl produktion – Narsaq, Grønland |
Farm Holiday |
Turisme – Kujelleq, Grønland) |
Asasara |
Cargobikes, designed in Greenland |
Greenlandic flowers (te) |
Te og bær – Narsaq, Grønland |
InuaCare |
Hudpleje – Qaqortoq, Grønland |
Departementet for Erhverv, Handel, Arbejdsmarked og Energi |
Grønlands selvstyre |
TVG Zimsen |
Shipping |
Maki Seaweed |
Tang (Sisimiut, Grønland) |
Blue Water Shipping |
Shipping |
Naasaq Design APS |
Brugskunst |
VR travel |
Rejser i Grønland |
Inuit Recruitment |
Rekruttering i Grønland |
Jesper Overgård Lehmann |
Inst. for Agroøkologi, Aarhus Universitet |
Intranote A/S |
IT |
APM terminals |
Havnedrift |
Aarhus Havn |
Havn |
Sermitsiaq AG, Grønlandsk medie |
Annonceafdelingen |
Arctic Technology Centre – Section of Arctic Technology and Sustainable Solutions |
Aarhus Universitet |
Arktisk forskningscenter |
Messens målgrupper

Tak til udstillerne på messen
Gæstekort – ikke længere brugbart

Messen finder sted i Centralværkstedet midt i Aarhus med perfekte parkeringsmuligheder
Vi henviser til parkeringen:
Værkmestergade 7-9, 8000 Aarhus C
Lige ved siden af Aarhus Hovedbanegård, parkeringshuset i både Bruuns galleri og Parkeringshuset i Comwell hotel
Messen arrangeres af

Sara Lennert Jensen
Sara is 24 years old and from Sisimiut, but she is currently living in Aarhus to study psychology where she just finished her bachelor’s degree. Her interest in psychology started back when she was around 12-13 years old where she made a school project about mental...

Sika Wilhjelm Filemonsen
Sika is 22 years old and from Nuuk. She just finished her bachelor’s degree at Aarhus School of Architecture, which she thought was three incredible years. Sika decided to study Architecture because she has always loved being creative, and she wanted to evolve my...

Ivik Paulsen
Ivik Paulsen is 28 years old and from Nuuk, Greenland. He is studying a master’s degree in law at SDU. Ivik chose law, because it provides him with a lot of opportunities when he’s done studying. Almost every sector in public administration and private businesses...

Royal Arctic Line
B.A. Project/thesis: HR Department: Within HR. Company/organisation: Royal Arctic Line When: Anytime What: We are looking for a collaboration on a B.A. project or thesis within HR. Do you have an interest in employment law, personnel law, organisation & management...

Project/thesis: Administration, Finance/IT, Education Department: We have different cases within our various departments such as: – Main administration – Study administration – Finance – IT – Library – Dormitory administration – Course department – Café – Education...

Case: Communications / digitalisation Department: Communications department Company/organisation: Inihttps://ini.gl/ When: Winter or spring 2022 What: INI is in the process of digital development in order to be able to automate and streamline processes, leading to...

Project/thesis within sales or marketing Department: Sales and marketing Company/organisation: Aviisi, www.aviisi.gl When: Mid-February What: How can we market Aviisi better and reach more customers? What is the best marketing approach for us? Contact:...

Aluu, explore a whole new world of skincare enriched with natural, active Greenlandic ingredients. Our philosophy at InuaCare is about obtaining and preserving natural beauty and health. Our mission is to preserve and protect natural beauty and health by employing the...

READ CATALOGUES & ADS DIGITALLY You can help reduce paper consumption and protect our nature by reading the catalogues from our website. Visit Aviisi here

Tasiilaq Tours
Tasiilaq Tours is a small local company offering various tours and experiences, as well as offering logistic support and help as your local represents. We operate from Tasiilaq year around and the main seasons are winter from mid-February till mid-May, and summer from...