Tak til alle deltagerne til Den Grønlandske Erhvervsmesse d.6.-7.september
Det var to gode dage med netværk, viden og nye samarbejder mellem Grønlandske iværksætter virksomheder og danske og islandske firmaer. Vi er stolte af de positive tilmeldinger vi har fået efter messen, for et første arrangement er det jo godt begyndt. Vi tror på at et forum hvor iværksættere og etablerede virksomheder samles igen og igen, kan noget sammen, som kan føre til vækst. Og Corporate Entrepreneurship er jo en af broerne mellem de ny og etableret, som det også blev præsenteret i en af workshopsne.

Tak til Jacob Bundsgaard
Aarhus’ borgmester åbnede messen

Hotel Narsaq – ølbryggeri |
Øl produktion – Narsaq, Grønland |
Farm Holiday |
Turisme – Kujelleq, Grønland) |
Asasara |
Cargobikes, designed in Greenland |
Greenlandic flowers (te) |
Te og bær – Narsaq, Grønland |
InuaCare |
Hudpleje – Qaqortoq, Grønland |
Departementet for Erhverv, Handel, Arbejdsmarked og Energi |
Grønlands selvstyre |
TVG Zimsen |
Shipping |
Maki Seaweed |
Tang (Sisimiut, Grønland) |
Blue Water Shipping |
Shipping |
Naasaq Design APS |
Brugskunst |
VR travel |
Rejser i Grønland |
Inuit Recruitment |
Rekruttering i Grønland |
Jesper Overgård Lehmann |
Inst. for Agroøkologi, Aarhus Universitet |
Intranote A/S |
IT |
APM terminals |
Havnedrift |
Aarhus Havn |
Havn |
Sermitsiaq AG, Grønlandsk medie |
Annonceafdelingen |
Arctic Technology Centre – Section of Arctic Technology and Sustainable Solutions |
Aarhus Universitet |
Arktisk forskningscenter |
Messens målgrupper

Tak til udstillerne på messen
Gæstekort – ikke længere brugbart

Messen finder sted i Centralværkstedet midt i Aarhus med perfekte parkeringsmuligheder
Vi henviser til parkeringen:
Værkmestergade 7-9, 8000 Aarhus C
Lige ved siden af Aarhus Hovedbanegård, parkeringshuset i både Bruuns galleri og Parkeringshuset i Comwell hotel
Messen arrangeres af

Cycling Westfjords
“This isn’t a place to rush through. We don’t want people to come here and ride as fast as they can because then they will miss everything.” – Tyler
Cycling Westfjords is a coalition of bicyclists working to expand and strengthen bike tourism in the Westfjords of Iceland.
Spotted by: Carina Burroughs

Interview w Naja Abelsen
Naja Abelsen is a Greenlandic artist living on the small Danish island Ærø. NUKIGA’s Laila Lund Altinbas visited Naja in her atelier. Watch below interviews (in Danish).

IEXplorer – Ocean Research
The Arctic sea hides more treasures than fish
Based in the northern part of Iceland in the city of Akureyri, CEO Alex Max Mikhaylov and his team of volunteers searches for treasures of the sea in the Arctic seabed.

Arctic Circle Assembly in Iceland
NUKIGA recently joined the Arctic Circle Assembly in Iceland. A busy and exciting programme filled with interesting talks and thoughts. Our main focus was on how entrepreneurship can help smaller communities turn around the development.

GreenBytes: Reducing food waste
Composed by a team of four women, GreenBytes is a start-up based in Iceland whose objective is to reduce food waste from restaurants while increasing their profit margin. It is a tool so tackle one of the most challenging sustainability problems in the world: food waste.
Spotted by Andrés Felipe Laverde Martínez

Tari: cultivating seaweed
Interview with Agnes from Tari.
Not long-ago seaweed was a relatively unknown Nordic nutrient. Tari is an innovation company from The Faroe Islands that researches and cultivates high quality seaweed.
Spotted by Tórður Ravnsfjall

Entrepreneurship in Greenland
“Entrepreneurship must be taken seriously, and there must be proper support.” Greenlandic Steve Mathæussen and Napaartoq Isak Petrussen are both entrepreneurs in Nuuk, Greenland.

Blue Lobster
The Blue Lobster platform connects low impact fishermen with restaurants and local buyers. Deliveries straight from the harbor. Making fresh and sustainable seafood easily available and transparent.
Spotted by Tórður Ravnsfjall

Interview w Sissi Møller
Greenlandic artist Sissi Møller won first price in our public shares competition. Sissi Møller is educated both at the Nuuk Art School and at the Copenhagen Art School.

Sassuma Sea Salt
NUKIA has visited Napaartoq Isak Petrussen in his production in Nuuk, where he makes Sassuma Sea Salt, which is sea salt from Nuuk Fjord. He founded the company in 2017, because he saw a need for locally produced sea salt.