Tak til alle deltagerne til Den Grønlandske Erhvervsmesse d.6.-7.september
Det var to gode dage med netværk, viden og nye samarbejder mellem Grønlandske iværksætter virksomheder og danske og islandske firmaer. Vi er stolte af de positive tilmeldinger vi har fået efter messen, for et første arrangement er det jo godt begyndt. Vi tror på at et forum hvor iværksættere og etablerede virksomheder samles igen og igen, kan noget sammen, som kan føre til vækst. Og Corporate Entrepreneurship er jo en af broerne mellem de ny og etableret, som det også blev præsenteret i en af workshopsne.

Tak til Jacob Bundsgaard
Aarhus’ borgmester åbnede messen

Hotel Narsaq – ølbryggeri |
Øl produktion – Narsaq, Grønland |
Farm Holiday |
Turisme – Kujelleq, Grønland) |
Asasara |
Cargobikes, designed in Greenland |
Greenlandic flowers (te) |
Te og bær – Narsaq, Grønland |
InuaCare |
Hudpleje – Qaqortoq, Grønland |
Departementet for Erhverv, Handel, Arbejdsmarked og Energi |
Grønlands selvstyre |
TVG Zimsen |
Shipping |
Maki Seaweed |
Tang (Sisimiut, Grønland) |
Blue Water Shipping |
Shipping |
Naasaq Design APS |
Brugskunst |
VR travel |
Rejser i Grønland |
Inuit Recruitment |
Rekruttering i Grønland |
Jesper Overgård Lehmann |
Inst. for Agroøkologi, Aarhus Universitet |
Intranote A/S |
IT |
APM terminals |
Havnedrift |
Aarhus Havn |
Havn |
Sermitsiaq AG, Grønlandsk medie |
Annonceafdelingen |
Arctic Technology Centre – Section of Arctic Technology and Sustainable Solutions |
Aarhus Universitet |
Arktisk forskningscenter |
Messens målgrupper

Tak til udstillerne på messen
Gæstekort – ikke længere brugbart

Messen finder sted i Centralværkstedet midt i Aarhus med perfekte parkeringsmuligheder
Vi henviser til parkeringen:
Værkmestergade 7-9, 8000 Aarhus C
Lige ved siden af Aarhus Hovedbanegård, parkeringshuset i både Bruuns galleri og Parkeringshuset i Comwell hotel
Messen arrangeres af

NUKIGA’S session at Arctic Circle
How to support Arctic entrepreneurship and the return of Arctic students to the Arctic area after having graduated abroad? –These were the topics NUKIGA addressed at the recent Arctic Circle Greenland Forum held in Nuuk, Greenland.

Steve’s Carwash
Steve Mathæussen started his remote carwash service in Nuuk, while he studied to become a social worker. He borrowed money through a cheap student’s loan…

NUKIGA at Arctic Circle
The Arctic Circle Greenland Forum is a two-day conference focusing on the Arctic. It touches upon subjects such as climate and prosperity and geopolitics and progress the region. NUKIGA had a session 28 August exploring the possibilities of supporting Arctic entrepreneurship, developing the entrepreneurial environment…

To ensure sustainable development in the Arctic regions, innovation plays a crucial part. At UNLEASH Regional Innovation Lab Greenland 2022, 200 young people from Arctic and Nordic countries met to develop innovative solutions to help with the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Arctic areas

Interview with Lisbeth Karline
Lisbeth Karline is a Greenlandic/Danish artist. In this interview series of 5 she talks about her art and how she works as an artist. Lisbeth is interviewed by art historian Laila Lund Altinbas for NUKIGA.

Introducing NUKIGA Talks
In our effort to create a strong and relevant network across the Arctic region, we now proudly present NUKIGA Talks!
You’ll be able to join NUKIGA Talks from our community group where Faroese entrepreneur Tórður Ravnsfjall will host regular online sessions with an exciting and motivating guest from all over the Arctic region.

Wool #4 Panels of Faroese wool
Four young Faroese 10th graders, Dávur, Ólavur, Teitur and Trygvi, have made an exciting innovation that can help solve the problem of what to do with the coarse Faroese wool…

Wool #3: What to do with the Faroese wool?
Sheep on the Faroe Islands largely outnumber the islands’ human inhabitants. The Faroese breed of sheep is mainly kept for their meet, and the wool is quite coarse and itchy.

NUKIGA Community arbejder for at fremme innovation og entreprenørskab og vigtigst af alt at skabe et solidt og bredt netværk på tværs af den arktiske region. Derudover er en af vores kerneopgaver at formidle moderne grønlandsk kultur til et dansk publikum.

Wool #2: Einstakt is unique
Einstakt is a Faroese fashion brand that makes beautiful designs, primarily out of wool. The Einstakt styles are sold in the small boutique Öström, located right at the harbour of capital Tórshavn.