Concert with Ulf Fleicher

Det Grønlandske Hus, Aarhus Dalgas Avenue 52A-F, Aarhus C, Denmark

Join us for a concert with one of Greenland's best and most loved musicians, Ulf Fleicher, when he visits Det Grønlandske Hus (The Greenlandic House) in Aarhus, Denmark, for a lunch concert on Greenland's National Day 21 June, 2022. The event is free. Read more about the event here (in Danish):

Exploring the arctic through tourism


NUKIGA COMMUNITYNukiga is a community for elevating innovation, entrepreneurship and collaboration in the Artic. Do your have an entrepreneurial spirit? Are thinking of partnerships across the artic? Are interested in investment?Get Connected Through Nukiga. Get the help, connection and community you need to succeed in Nukiga.Sign up for our Free Nukiga Talk on Wednessday 22th […]