Malu Rosing is 23 years old (2021). She finished her bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Cultural Studies at Roskilde University in the summer of 2021.
“I chose my education because I have always been fascinated with interactions between people and between different cultures. I find communication and the possibility of expressing oneself very important, which is why I chose journalism.”
Besides trying to improve her Greenlandic, Malu is working on various projects for NUKIGA. For the future, she would like to work on strengthening the relationship between Greenland and the rest of the world, including Denmark, and also to make Greenland visible to the rest of the world.
She would also like to work to make sure that the young people of Greenland know of all of the opportunities that both Greenland and the rest of the world provides for them.
Facts about Malu:
Education: Hum. Bach. in journalism and cultural studies
Place of study: Roskilde University
Expected time of graduation: 2021
Bachelor thesis: Greenland in the Danish media
This paper examines the Danish media’s news coverage of Greenland during the Greenlandic general election in April 2021. The purposes of this examination are to investigate how the Danish public service provider, DR, and the tabloid newspapers, B.T. and Ekstra Bladet, frame Greenland, and to what extent the type of media as well as the shared colonial past influence the framing.
Thesis language: Danish

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Other project: Revitalisering af traditionelle inuit-tatoveringer: en modstandsform i det moderne Grønland. (Revitalisation of traditional Inuit tattoos: a form of resistance in modern Greenland).
This project is an attempt to understand the revitalization of Inuit tattooing among the greenlandic youth and explore the possible underlying political, historical or personal meaning of the tattoos.
Thesis language: Danish (abstract in English)

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