Sika Wilhjelm Filemonsen


Sika is 22 years old and from Nuuk. She just finished her bachelor’s degree at Aarhus School of Architecture, which she thought was three incredible years. Sika decided to study Architecture because she has always loved being creative, and she wanted to evolve my creativity to be able to use it later in her work.

“Through my education, I first and foremost learned the basics of architecture, but I also learned how I can communicate my ideas, in a way so that other people understand them, often through visual work and models. Through the years I’ve come to find that I enjoy making illustrations and working on graphic design, which is a big part of the project development process. That is why I spend a lot of my spare time working with the programmes we use, because I just enjoy working with it.” 

At this moment Sika is taking a year off from school to figure out which direction she would like to specialise in when she’s doing her master’s degree. Her biggest motivation to become an architect is to be able to work with the subject in a Greenlandic context, which is why Sika chose to spend her gap year in Greenland in order to explore the possibilities available for her, when she has finished her education.
Facts about Sika

Education: Bachelor in Architecture
Place of study:Aarhus School of Architecture
Expected time of graduation: 2021


The task was to create a future scenario of how the area surrounding Løgstør, located by the Limfjord could look like. Focus is on how important wild nature is, even though there is not much of it left in Denmark. This was connected with the idea of ​​a new type of folk high school with a focus on nature, archeology and history focusing on the Viking Age.